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Hiccup 101: Depression

First comes adversity and then comes growing pains.......As I sing this to the tune of the youthful "Sitting in a Tree" playground song, I'm reminded that some of life's greatest accomplishments are achieved after experiencing a growing pain or 2.

I'm guilty of questioning why things are happening to me especially since "I've done everything I was supposed to do" but I try to remind myself that my steps are already ordained by God so that whatever I'm going through is just a testament of things to come. Easier said than done, right?

Seriously, it's hard to be positive and remember whose you are when you're going thru an uncomfortable period in your life. So here's a little insight to my personal life:

I quit my job April 18, 2014, with the sole purpose of seeking more. More fulfillment, more responsibilities, more MONEY (run around the church, folks), More stability, more professional growth, more accountability, just MORE. Now, here's the catch: When I quit my job I KNEW that I had everything all sorted out and for a while I did UNTIL the bills continued to roll in and the money  stopped. So I fell into a state of depression.

YEA, I said it. I, LaRia A., the outgoing, energetic, wise soul, fell into a state of depression. And guess what? I made it out. With  the help of my support team, I made it. But guess what's funny about it, now? I reflect back to what drove me to my decision to quit my job of 3.5 years without a new one lined up, my former manager telling me I wasn't just going to go out and earn double my then current salary, a few colleagues suggesting I not quit, and I know I still made the BEST decision to ME.

Me quitting my job ( I did give a 3 week notice  ) was the absolute BEST thing I've done in the past 5 years with the exception of starting Zipporah's Angels. Now, I'm in a very good place: still have amazing friends (realized just who my real friends were during my bout of depression), great family, and in case you're wondering, I'm making almost double what my salary was when I quit in 2014.

I mentioned all of that just so that you can understand that it's best to:

1. Follow your intuition when making decisions that relate to your personal well being.

2. Regardless of what others say, you're steps have already been ordained. Success will be yours, should you wish to attain it.

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